Tuesday, May 30

Back again

I'm not sure if anyone noticed but my blog seems to have been down for about a day. Sorry to disappoint you all. It was my fault (I'm fairly sure) because I posted something which didn't fit on the page and it seems that what Blogger does if this happens it not display anything.
Anyway, back in business from lunchtime today which will be good news, I'm sure, to readers around the world.
I've signed up for Google Analytics, and I'm proud to say that sometimes my blog gets as many as 6 hits a day. And the hits come from places as far afield as Oslo, and Minnesota. Beats me as to why. If this is you please leave a comment.

Didn't do much this weekend, the weather was awful which made me postpone my first big bike ride of the year. Bought a camera off ebay though, and at least it's a short week.

item! another version of blade runner is to be released on DVD. This has long been my favourite film of all time. It may even be worth buying a DVD player for.

p.s. Anybody want to buy a mouse?

Fruit & veg today? - cherry tomatoes, and some peppers etcetera in my chili
Exercise today? - unlikely
Hours of sleep I'm going to get tonight? - probably only 6ish

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