Sunday, March 26

how to solve all the problems of society (unfinished)

I was thinking about scientology, which has been in the news lately. If one thinks of society as an organism, then one of the weaknesses of that organism is that there are people who aren't very smart who have tonnes of money and influence. I flicked through MTV Cribs today so if you want examples of that last point just check out some of the featured actors, musicians or sportspeople.
& diseases attack weak points. & successful diseases find a weak point where they can take a hold and spread.
so I think a maximum wage is needed. something to stop too much power ending up where it can go wrong. obviously this scheme needs a bit of work, comments appreciated
Fruit & veg today? - lettuce, sweetcorn and 3 servings of apple crumble
Exercise today? - 6 miles on my bike
Hours of sleep I'm going to get tonight? - hmmm, better get started

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