Film Review - V for Vendetta
I'm a big fan of the book. I've been dreading this film ever since I heard it was coming. But I knew I'd have to go see it, and tonight I did. I had said that as long as the film had the miracle of transubstantiation scene in it I wouldn't be disappointed.
I'm disappointed
But this wasn't the only missing scene, large parts of the story have been removed. So? it's a long story, have to chop some of it to fit it into a time period people can stay sitting in those little seats. But did they have to repace it with such tosh?
In the book V is a man with noble intentions and an extraordinary plan, driven to free the populace from oppression. In the film he becomes a freak driven by revenge with a flair for violence and alliteration. Evey comes off even worse, with her compunctions against killing replaced with cowardice.
In the book Finch has a hard time understanding what's going on. In the film it's a bloody miracle that he can understand anything. The comic has a second narrative line that gives the reader a look at society in Vendetta's UK, without this in the film the actions of Sutler (Susan in the book), Creedy, Dascomb et al make little sense.
I'd go on but risk spoiling the story for people who may want to see it. I was recommended the book by my good friend Stacey around about 1992. I've recommended it to other people and it's sometimes difficult to get people to read a comic.
The film is more cartoony than the book, and not any better for it. Please read the book instead. Read these reviews.
Fruit & veg today? - banana, mange tout
Exercise today? - a short ride on my bike
Hours of sleep I'm going to get tonight? - 8 would be good
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