Friday, March 10

Hey vegan, do you eat...?

from time to time people ask me about my diet. occasionally these requests for information centre around some wierd stuff which I never would have wanted to eat anyway, but I may as well start the FAQ
yeast - i think it's a plant and I do eat it, especially in the form of marmite which is full of vitamin B
coral - may be high in calcium but definately an animal product and I wouldn't touch it with a barge-pole from the north pole
virii - maybe animal, I'm not sure. but I wouldn't eat them on purpose and if I ate one or more accidentally I won't worry about the moral aspects

Fruit & veg today? - some raisins
Exercise today? - nil
Hours of sleep I'm gong to get tonight? - tbc


Anonymous said...

What does tbc mean?

Matt said...

Depending on context, TBC may stand for:
* Tamil Broadcasting Corporation
* To Be Confirmed – a TLA used to mark interim data (e.g. in making an appointment)
* Touhoku Broadcasting Company – a Sendai, Japan, TV/radio station
* Time Base Corrector
* Tuba City, Arizona (USA) – airport code
* Tuberculosis – an infectious disease
* Taegu Broadcasting Corporation of South Korea
* The Brothers Chaps – creators of Homestar Runner

in this instance it means "to be confirmed"