Sunday, September 1

Ironing times

My time is 21:53.94 Lap times: 1. ‎2 ‎21.44 2. ‎5 ‎18.75 3. ‎3 ‎16.80 4. ‎6 ‎11.68 5. ‎4 ‎45.26

As we enter the third week of kitchen-less living my focus on immaculate sartorial presentation is shifting more towards damage limitation. Still can't bring myself to wear a non iron shirt without giving it a bit of an iron though. For the non iron thing to work the shirts need to be tumble dried apparently.

1 comment:

Baeron said...

The Non Iron thing is a load of bollocks and angers me every time I see the horrible little label on the back of my shirts. It may as well also say, "Happiness Inducing, Money Giving, Singing shirt", it's all lies!