Sunday, July 23

Regina Spektor at the Lowry

Radio-industry big-wig Dempsey was given tickets to see Regina in Salford last night and kindly invited me to go with. We stopped off in the Temple for a G&T beforehand

And another pair of G&Ts in the Quay Theatre Bar

Then made our way to our seats for the performance to begin. I was impressed from the first number where Ms Spektor (Regina is pronounced "Reg-een-a", doesn't rhyme with, anyway) tapped the mic as she sang for percussion accompaniment.

The keyboard (sounding like a piano) provided most of the instrumentation although in one gymnastic number Regina hit a nearby chair with a drumstick, along with playing the piano one-handed, singing and stamping on the floor. Dempsey and I were impressed although the Musician's Union is probably very concerned about the career prospects of backing bands.

The songs were interesting, varied in style with quirky lyrics. Difficult to categorise - as good music often is.

I'd definately see her again. She put me in mind of the mighty Cat Power

To hear how Regina Spektor sounds check out the Regina Spektor website or her myspace page

Thursday, July 20

no fixed abode

the packing is getting serious, I've packed my stereo into a box. I now feel adrift in the wide, scary world

Fruit & veg today? - two apples, two bananas, some celery & mushrooms
Exercise today? - a bike ride to didsbury
Hours of sleep I'm going to get tonight? - hmmm, eight?

Sunday, July 16


It's sunny in amsterdam. I'm lying in a park with some of the other survivors of Dr Jon's stag party. Waiting for a plane is rarely such a pleasure. I can hear gently rustling leaves, the clink of bicycles, birdsong, some snoring. If i could speak another language moving to the continent would be very appealing. Until then the café society of didsbury will have to suffice. Possibly with a sun lamp. Next week i really need to get my packing started and book a van. And get some exercise, sleep and fresh fruit & vegetables. My scores this weekend have been lousy for all three. Peace out.

-- This Orange Multi Media Message was sent wirefree from an Orange MMS phone.

Sunday, July 9

But really

The bus is full of curious people with unpalatable lives,
"I do door-to-door sales,
I've lost my iPod and now I must die."
Hard to believe in such a complicated universe.
Are these people so intricate?
I cvould credit a simpler world,
A less tangled fate.
Admit individuals who look fascinating,
But are quite straightforward really.

Saturday, July 8

a shocking omission

Dear Friends,

I have just read and signed the online petition:

  "Induct Alice Cooper into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame"

hosted on the web by, the free online petition
service, at:

I personally agree with what this petition says, and I think you might
agree, too.  If you can spare a moment, please take a look, and consider
signing yourself.

friday night

After a hard week of grafting it was a great pleasure to come home from work

  • remove my tie and other work attire
  • grab a bite to eat
  • and head out into the buzzing hub of withington with Dempsey for some R and R
I've never been in "Pleasure" before, it seemed okay, the tables outside gave a delightful view of the main drag.

And although Fuel had ceased serving food by the time we arrived they did have ample quantities of Cruz Campo. Dempsey & I came up with a bit of a wheeze inspired by the folorn sight of Cine City. We could start some kind of film club, showing popular films of yesteryear which people might cough up a few quid to watch on a biggish screen. We could start with the best film ever (Blade Runner) and see how it goes. We'd need to rent a projector and screen, set up a DVD player and some speakers, book the room above Fuel (free, but a 50 quid deposit reqd) and find out how to make it legal (where does one get a licence to show films, and how much does it cost?)

If there's an appetite for classic films in this neck of the woods then after a year we might be able to start a bid to get Cine City going again.

rocketboom is no more(?)

I was upset to find out that my favourite video blog has fallen on hard times. According to Andrew, Amanda has quit. According to Amanda she has been fired.

There are unconfirmed rumours that a new face has been found to replace Amanda. I'll be interested to see what happens on Monday when RB is supposed to start up again

Sunday, July 2

Una barbacoa

another sunny weekend and another barbeque. but this weekend was most notable for putting my name down for a flat with my lovely gf. it's a lovely place, you must come round for a cup of tea some time

to be honest I can't be bothered to blog much right now. the thunderstorm has abated, but it was pretty good, sounded like the end of the world

and despite my previous hollywood disappointments , I'm quite keen to see that the film of "A Scanner Darkly" is lurching it's way to a silver screen near me. I've only read the book once but it was top quality. Full of the Philip K Dick paranoia which made Blade Runner, Total Recall and The Minority Report so watchable.

Right, now for some ironing. not the exciting kind of ironing, just the normal sort.