Sunday, July 23

Regina Spektor at the Lowry

Radio-industry big-wig Dempsey was given tickets to see Regina in Salford last night and kindly invited me to go with. We stopped off in the Temple for a G&T beforehand

And another pair of G&Ts in the Quay Theatre Bar

Then made our way to our seats for the performance to begin. I was impressed from the first number where Ms Spektor (Regina is pronounced "Reg-een-a", doesn't rhyme with, anyway) tapped the mic as she sang for percussion accompaniment.

The keyboard (sounding like a piano) provided most of the instrumentation although in one gymnastic number Regina hit a nearby chair with a drumstick, along with playing the piano one-handed, singing and stamping on the floor. Dempsey and I were impressed although the Musician's Union is probably very concerned about the career prospects of backing bands.

The songs were interesting, varied in style with quirky lyrics. Difficult to categorise - as good music often is.

I'd definately see her again. She put me in mind of the mighty Cat Power

To hear how Regina Spektor sounds check out the Regina Spektor website or her myspace page

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