Wednesday, May 23

Concert at the Night & Day

Went to see a few bands tonight. Had booked tomorrow off work so i could let my hair down -euphemism for getting drunk. Sandbox were on first and got the event off to a good start. You can't go far wrong with Loud guitars and an attitude. Second band -Hey Bulldog were even better. The singer had a kind of high pitched style which worked for me though my lovely gf thought he sounded like a girl. The band got on with a dense wall of sound thing behind him. I was happy with the result. A bit disappointed with Frontrunner who started out like Oasis wannabees. They got going later on but were on match for the headliners. Pitch Invasion reminded me a bit of Mudhoney-which is high praise from me. Sounded a bit rough but with loads of energy and enthusiasm. I would have bought their album. If they had one. And if i had some spare money. As it is I'll be revisiting their Myspace page and seeing if they have any tracks to download. And looking out for any more gigs in the area. They rock!

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