After a hard week of grafting it was a great pleasure to come home from work
- remove my tie and other work attire
- grab a bite to eat
- and head out into the buzzing hub of withington with Dempsey for some R and R
I've never been in "Pleasure" before, it seemed okay, the tables outside gave a delightful view of the main drag.
And although Fuel had ceased serving food by the time we arrived they did have ample quantities of Cruz Campo.

Dempsey & I came up with a bit of a wheeze inspired by the folorn sight of Cine City. We could start some kind of film club, showing popular films of yesteryear which people might cough up a few quid to watch on a biggish screen. We could start with the best film ever (Blade Runner) and see how it goes. We'd need to rent a projector and screen, set up a DVD player and some speakers, book the room above Fuel (free, but a 50 quid deposit reqd) and find out how to make it legal (where does one get a licence to show films, and how much does it cost?)
If there's an appetite for classic films in this neck of the woods then after a year we might be able to start a bid to get Cine City going again.
Hey, thieving little thing!!! That has always been my idea!!So much for copy rights!!I am going to have to make you sign a disclaimer every time I tell you something from now on.
Yr lvly gf
Que? paperwork would be good if it could stop me being falsely accused of plagiarism. But regardless, I don't claim that showing people films in exchange for money is an original idea. Neither is raising money which might be used to restore a local building.
Easy tigerrrrggrrr!
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