Since November 2005 my blog has been informing and educating the people of Earth. Some consider it an authoritative voice on the great issues of the day. To some it represents a voice of sanity in an ocean of chaos. One reader summed it up thus: "thats the most profound thing i've read in a while"
Went up Cadair Idris today, which was steep and sunny.
After a huge curry, played "Rapidough". Team Red won a crushing victory against Team Blue. I don't like to blow my own trumpet - but my dinosaur was tremendous. I wish I had a picture of it before a jealous opponent crushed it, anyway...
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Look, let's get one thing straight... anyone who is such a screaming diva enough to take a picture of his own plasticine creation during a game of Rapidough deserves to get it squashed. Let that be a lesson to you.
Look yourself,
it may just be a game to you, but to me it's a sequence of quickly-produced art works.
In PLAY-DOH, not plasticine.
And furthermore, I cannot be a "diva" because I am male. If you must... I Am Devo!
Thanks for reading, and for your feedback - which helps me to tailor this blog towards what my readers want
No, you're not a Devo otherwise that would make you a member of the band Devo. You might, however wish to identify as a Divo.
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