Tuesday, October 1
Monday, September 16
Project Pernod
I've done my ironing this week but decided to blog about summat else.
A film that I really like is "Withnail & I" and I also like to play the drinking game. Nothing fancy, just drink the same as they drink when it comes on screen. Not quantity obviously. But it requires a bit of preparation to stock up beforehand. and I often find that I'm not totally sure of all the drinks that they imbibe during the film. Sherry for definite. Beer. Two large gins. Cider. Rum. whisky. But what are they drinking the night that they play cards with Monty? Some cloudy white stuff? Pernod I reckon. So I bought a bottle of Pernod. Haven't played the game for a while and no immediate plans to do so. Felt frankly rough after the last time and the bottle of Pernod has been hanging around for too long.
Project Pernod is to finish the bottle. It's been a journey full of surprises. Pernod with water is okay but not super enjoyable. Pernod with lemonade is quite pleasant. I wouldn't recommend Pernod with chocolate soya milk. The best I have found is Pernod with cranberry juice. Called a "Good and Plenty" apparently.
And when I've finished this glass the project will be completed.
My lovely gf hates Pernod, even the smell.
Afterthought: is the picture over photo-shopped? The filters on android now are too tempting and easy to apply for my limited self restraint
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Sunday, September 1
Ironing times
My time is 21:53.94 Lap times: 1. 2 21.44 2. 5 18.75 3. 3 16.80 4. 6 11.68 5. 4 45.26
As we enter the third week of kitchen-less living my focus on immaculate sartorial presentation is shifting more towards damage limitation. Still can't bring myself to wear a non iron shirt without giving it a bit of an iron though. For the non iron thing to work the shirts need to be tumble dried apparently.
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Tuesday, August 20
The Kitchen
One of the big advantages of renting rather than buying a house is that you don't have to do stuff.
I don't really like doing stuff to houses. The new kitchen is being fitted by Przemek. I'm not really enjoying paying money do have somebody else do stuff to my house either.
The new kitchen will make it all worthwhile when it's done.
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Sunday, August 18
Ironing times
Five shirts. First lap took longer because of setting up the ironing board. I wouldn't have thought of posting this, but the stop watch on my new phone lets me post to Blogger so here you are.
Let's see if i can beat these times next week...
My time is 21:56.91 Lap times: 1. 4 53.95 2. 3 06.58 3. 4 17.50 4. 9 38.87
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Tuesday, May 21
National Vegetarian Week
It is apparently National Vegetarian Week. The canteen where I work had a special dish on the menu to celebrate. Something I saw on this bus, however, suggests that some may take it further than that
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Saturday, May 11
For charity
It troubles me when people do stuff for charity. Not all stuff - i imagine that all sorts of caring, cleaning, and assorted volunteering goes on. But when people charitably undertake to do fun things like abseil down tall buildings, skydive and what have you, then I start to wonder if they're doing it because they want to and the charity thing is to defray the expenses.
Not that the charity minds I suppose, they wouldn't get anything if the fun didn't happen.
But I mind. If I'm persuaded to donate a quid to a worthy cause then that's one thing but I begrudge donating 50p for someone's adrenaline rush.
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Labels: grumpy
Sunday, January 27
Olga's empanada recipe
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