Fire at Kebabish, Rusholme
I've had the plan of being a journalist for a while now. Especially when I get old and am looking for ways to supplememt my meagre pension. I'll sit in my caravan in Hebden Bridge and as the rain bouces of the roof, I'll tap some wise words into my PC and hope that The Guardian will send me a few quid in return.
But what to write about? Well, I could hardly help noticing that something happened in Rusholme today. The traffic was snarled up and about three fire engines, and at least one ambulance and police car were in attendance. There was tape across the road and cops turning people back.
From the edge of the tape I could see that Kebabish was black inside and smoke was coming out of the roof. Not gushing out - the fire was pretty much extinguished by the time I was on the scene.
Anyway, here's a photo, and I'm going to tweet a link to this and see how much traffic I get. If anyone from the Guardian wants to give me a regular slot, please leave your details in a comment