Monday, September 25

Film Review - Clerks II

Went to see the new Kevin Smith film last night. I haven't seen the first Clerks film so went to see it on the strength of Dogma and that one about the cartoonist. I was slightly worried that my lovely gf wouldn't like it, especially when she saw the poster and said "Is this film going to be any good?"

But it was pretty funny. The technique of putting some funny characters together and having them interact around some amusing situations is tried and trusted. I'll mention the beastiality episode as an example, because it might get my blog some hits. And there was a bit of home-spun philosophy which made me think briefly about how my life is going. It's good to think about that from time to time. I heartily recommend this film.

I'm on the late shift this week, so I had time for a big breakfast

In theory I have time to do some exercise too. that was part of my plan but now I'm a bit too stuffed to run much

Thursday, September 21


My first week of shifts this week (6am to 2pm) and not too bad. not much going out in the evening, though I did make an effort to get to martial arts last night - and felt more drowsy than usual this a.m.

not found anything super productive to do in the afternoons. notified a few people about change of address, new bank a/c, etcetera. have been doing regular exercise to make me tired by 8:30. keep meaning to pick up my repaired trousers from town but keep forgetting.

Fruit & veg today? - none yet
Exercise today? - a 13 minute run
Hours of sleep I'm going to get tonight? - at least 7.5 I hope

Sunday, September 10


something on slashdot caught my eye, they are planning to build in Florida, and apparently have already built in Japan, a facility to vapourise landfill rubbish. I'm really opposed to nuclear power and would like to see the UK government investigating alternatives like this.
the article is here

Wednesday, September 6

Film review - A Scanner Darkly

Went to see A Scanner Darkly last night, with a fair bit of trepidation. The bitter taste of V for Vendetta lingering in my gullet was a reminder that a great book can be made into a terrible film. And at Printworks prices I didn't want to see a terrible film. Incidentally a small carton of popcorn was £3.40 - inconceivable.

I thought the pseudo-animation thing worked out okay. Some found it annoying. The film opens with bugs crawling over Freck and I don't think CGI or Carpenter-esque puppets would have blended in as well. Special effects have their uses, but probably would have seemed over the top in this everyday tale of drug-taking folk

It must be about ten years since I read the book, and I didn't notice any major departures from how I remembered the plot. Not that I have a great memory for that kind of thing. The film was a lot easier to understand, which does suggest that some simplification may have happened.

Overall, if you liked the film go and read some Philip K Dick books. And if you didn't like the film, go and read some Philip K Dick books.

Monday, September 4

a little place in the country

some disappointment today when Eden District Council broke the news to me that they were very unlikely to give planning permission for me to renovate a run down shack in Northumberland. I had hoped that 35 grand would secure me a rural hideaway, even if it wouldn't secure me a roof, windows, door, running water or broadband internet connection.

still, the 3 hour commute to work would have been a chore