Friday, February 24

30 boxes

I saw this mentioned on RocketBoom. Its a (free) online calendar thing. seems pretty powerful, with the ability to share with your buddies and so on. They also have an RSS feed option so you may see extracts from my diary below... something sensational to read on the train

Wednesday, February 22

Spaghetti Mix from Oil & Vinegar

Not too successful this, I mixed five level spoons of the herbs with 5 spoons of hot water (yes, level spoons of water - not heaped) and a spoon of olive oil. stirred it up, and it didn't quite look like the stuff in the shop, a bit too watery. I mixed it up with the cooked spaghetti and it was edible. A bit sharp, maybe it needs more oil, or more time for the flavours to mix, or both, or something else
Fruit & veg today? - 2 apples, 2 bananas and one small orange - FIVE!
Exercise today? - maybe, but not martial arts (cancelled)
Hours of sleep I'm going to get tonight? - eight please

Tuesday, February 21


decided to splash out on a shiny toy today and got myself a US Robotics VoIP phone. now I need some people to call me so I can justify the purchase (to myself)

Call me!

** update **
i can get some kind of kick back if my beloved readers click on this banner to download skype. i'm such a sucker for bribes. don't believe anything I say - I'm in the pay of The Man

<div><a href="" target="_blank"><img alt="Share Skype" border="0" height="100" id="skype-banner-img" src="" width="100"></a></div>
Fruit & veg today? - two apples and a small orange
Exercise today? - walking to the pub
Hours of sleep I'm going to get tonight? - not that many, up early tomorrow for a trip to the airport

Monday, February 20

the man who fell to manchester

i'm back from my holiday and life feels a bit flat. going to work isn't that exciting, and now i have chores like making sandwiches for tomorrow's lunch. and doing the washing up. I planned to do some weights tonight but I'm a bit short of energy. even the sounds of Shellac don't seem to galvanise me with action

oh, and I shelled out for a SkypeIn number. not going to print it in case people start ringing me up to sell me double-glazing, but i'll probably put a link on here or summat

my land line days are deffo numbered

for instant msg i use
my blog is at

Monday, February 13

my blood pressure

was tested by a machine and found to be 109 over 50 (mmHg) ,with a pulse of 79 bPm. this seems pretty low (for the bp), but apparently these machines are not too accurate so i'm probably okay. my pulse seems to be bang in the middle of the normal readings.


Saturday, February 11

rest & relaxation

the scarcity of postings here is going to continue because i'm going to switzerland for a few days. if i'm feeling very computer deprived I might update my blog from there. I'll almost certainly check my email at some point.

Fruit & veg today? - squash, broccoli, 2 bananas, cucumber
Exercise today? - football and some weights
Hours of sleep I'm going to get tonight? - not enough

Monday, February 6


when i started this blog i didn't know what to call it. the main thing I wrote before this, well - co-wrote, was a book of mostly awful poems called "distilled venom". so I called the blog "distilled venom pt 2". And for a while I had a blurb at the top about how i never write poems any more. well, I was walking past a cemetary on friday night & i was thinking about whistling to keep my courage up. & it seemed like a better title for my blog, so here it is.
and then a poem came to go with it. and if you think it's a lousy poem don't read the others I wrote.